L’île d’Alcatraz, en anglais Alcatraz Island, est une île située dans la baie de San Francisco à 1,92 km (1,19 mile) du port de San Francisco en Californie, dans l’Ouest des États-Unis.

Elle fut nommée ainsi par les Espagnols car elle servait de refuge à de nombreux pélicans (alcatraces, nom espagnol du fou de Bassan). Cette île hébergea une forteresse militaire pendant plusieurs décennies (1850-1909), puis une prison militaire (1909-1933) et une prison fédérale de haute sécurité (1934-1963). Occupé par les Amérindiens de 1969 à 1971, le complexe d’Alcatraz est aujourd’hui reconverti en un site historique géré par le service des parcs nationaux des États-Unis. Il est visité chaque année par plus d’un million de touristes et demeure un lieu d’observation des oiseaux de la baie.

Galerie média


Version 1.7 - April 8th, 2015

  • All doors get replaced with the new door types.
  • Added "Read me" and "Easter Eggs" books in the spawn building. Credits signs have been updated as well.
  • Some pressure plates used to decorate furniture have been replaced by carpets.
  • Fixed a spawn issue where the player was appearing at the wrong place.
  • Fixed a bug related to sandstone slabs disappearing in newest game versions.
  • Fixed a lighting bug in the isolation cells of the block D.
  • Added a redstone system in the shower room, to open the trapdoors on the floor when you come from the underground tunnel ("The Rock" movie reference).

Version 1.6 - May 16th, 2014

  • Added redstone systems for each cell block, to open cells door.
  • Added glowstone lamps on ceiling of each cell with new redstone systems to turn on/off the light.
  • Updated each cell to make them look like the original cells.
  • Updated utility corridors inside cell blocks.
  • Increased the height of the main cell-house.
  • Updated the signs in the boat (spawn).

Version 1.5 - August 17th, 2013

  • Replacing all clay on the ground by cyan stained clay.
  • Replacing obsidian blocks by coal blocks in the coal reserve (Power house).
  • Replacing wood pressure plates by brown carpets on furniture.
  • Replacing snow blocks by quartz blocks in shower room.
  • Updated the ferry to fix issues with spawn point.
  • Filling of some empty spaces behind walls.

Version 1.4 - April 26th, 2013

  • Updated the lighthouse with daylight sensor.
  • Updated the redstone system of the boiler (from The Rock).
  • Added some signs on the island.

Version 1.3 - January 19th, 2013

  • Fixed more double stone slabs.
  • Fixed missing maps from last update.

Version 1.2 - January 19th, 2013

  • Fixed double stone slabs transformed into netherbrick slabs.

Version 1.1 - May 5th, 2012

  • Added roads around the cell-house.
  • Naturalization.