All AnthroMiners team members are wishing you a good and happy new year for 2020!
A new version of our reproduction of the Neverland Valley Ranch has been released today!
An update entirely made by our contributor Rémi (aka Rems_Killer), that we thanks a lot for his awesome work!
In addition of a bunch of edits regarding buildings’ inside structures et decoration (in order to fit reality), new elements never seen before in our creations have appeared: in-game photos.
Located near the most important buildings, they are used to compared our creations to real life places, but also reproduce perfectly decoration stuff such as computers, paintings and family photos.

This update has been done on Java edition 1.14.4, but also works with all 1.15 versions. For more details on edits, go to the project page, where you can also download the new version of the map.
Enjoy the visit!
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